Massi De Celis Coaching Profile

Coach Massi De Celis is the lead coach for the Fan Select Program. We were fortunate to have a few moments with Coach Massi to discuss his extensive experience and his perspective on the differences between Italian and North American soccer. He explains that the Italian approach to begin youth training with actual games allows players at a young age to develop technical skills, to be creative in their problem solving on the field, and to truly enjoy the sport. This is a stark contrast to the highly structured training sessions focused on athleticism typical in North America. He highly recommends players from the US to visit his hometown of Rome, Italy to experience this different playing culture and everything that Rome has to offer.

Coaching Profile

Massi De Celis is a UEFA A Licensed Coach with over twenty years of experience as a Professional Soccer Coach in countries such as Germany, Italy, Argentina & Croatia.

Currently, Coach Massi is part of the Italian Youth National Team Coaching Staff as well as the A.S. Roma Pro Scouting Team.

Coach Massi leads the Soccer Scouting Pros Fan Select Program in Rome and they are very fortunate to have a Coach with such qualifications sharing his wisdom and professional experience with the Select Team.

It is important to mention that Coach Massi is a native of Rome and has abundant knowledge of the city's best spots.

"I am very excited to Coach & Host Soccer Scouting Pros’ Fan Select Team this year in Rome. Each year, I look forward to a rewarding and fun experience in this Beautiful City."

Mario Erazo